Obstetrics and Gynecology Surgery in Indore

Pre-Conception Counselling and Care

Pregnancy is a beautiful stage in the life of every woman. Therefore, realizing the need to discuss health concerns to achieve the best results for pregnancy becomes an important task for every couple longing to expect a child. However, to meet your concerns we and our team of professionals are always ready to help you at every stage of pregnancy. Our preconception or pre-pregnancy counseling will provide you with an opportunity to have an open discussion about the risks and health concerns associated with pregnancy. This early health evaluation and risk assessment will help you in nurturing healthy stages for pregnancy. Through this pre-pregnancy counseling, we will guide you on the following:

    • Dietary planning
    • Physical Assessment
    • Alcohol and drug use
    • Genetic counseling
    • Prenatal vitamins
    • Fertility Awareness
    • Special needs and follow-up care
    • Exercise routines

Pregnancy Care and management

Pregnancy care entails providing good care to expectant mothers before (prenatal care), during, and after birth (postpartum care). It involves providing training and treatment to ensure the healthy growth of the baby as well as the mother.

Antenatal care

Prenatal care is an important part of a healthy pregnancy. Early and regular prenatal care mitigates the chances of uncertainties during pregnancy. It leads to a safe and healthy delivery. Scheduling regular prenatal visits can help your doctor identify complications well in time. Moreover, it will help the moms-to-be to monitor their health. It is one of the best ways to ensure that your little one gets a healthy start. Prenatal care basically includes the intake of good nutrition and the adoption of healthy habits before and during pregnancy. Prenatal Care starts three months prior to conceiving. The healthy habits required to be followed during this period include:

  • Restraining smoking and alcohol consumption
  • Maintaining distance from all toxic substances at home and work.
  • Consuming 400 to 800 micrograms of folic acid supplements on a regular basis

Care During Pregnancy

During pregnancy, stages are very crucial stages in the life of the expectant mother. Therefore, we assure you that you will be in the best hands during the days of your pregnancy. We will take care of your all issues to lend you the best experience from your delivery.

Since this is the most crucial stage you will be required to schedule regular healthcare checkups throughout the stages of your pregnancy. The routine visits may involve scheduling checkups:

  • Every month during the first six months of pregnancy
  • Every two weeks during the seventh and eighth months of pregnancy
  • Every week during your ninth month of pregnancy

Additionally, during these visits, your doctor will assess your as well as your baby’s health by conducting checkups for the following:

  • Weight and blood pressure
  • Monitoring fetal heart rate and health
  • Conducting blood tests for detecting HIV, anemia, and Rh factor.
  • Discussing special diet and exercise requirements.

High-Risk Pregnancy

Pre-existing medical conditions like

  • Recurrent Miscarriages
  • diabetes
  • negative blood group
  • bleeding in pregnancy
  • high blood pressure
  • preterm changes in the cervix
  • poor fetal growth
  • oligoamnios
  • Elderly mother

may lead to complications in pregnancy and are termed as high-risk factors. Thus, these conditions require the mother to be taken extra care of and provided with special treatment and amendments to the specific delivery plan.

Safe Delivery

Normal Delivery

Normal or vaginal delivery involves the birth of a child without the intervention of any medical components. Normal delivery is a completely natural childbirth process. During the vaginal delivery doctors majorly focus on deciding the most suitable position for the mother to deliver the baby.

The normal delivery constitutes three main stages:

  • Labor and Cervical effacement
  • Pushing and childbirth
  • Placental expulsion

Painless Delivery

Painless delivery involves the injection of an epidural for the purpose of relieving pain during labor. Epidural is basically a small injection that is located in the lower back part of the mother. This thread-sized tube is used for injecting drugs to mitigate labor pain.

Cesarean Delivery

Cesarean delivery, also known as C-section delivery is a surgical procedure in which the infant is delivered by making an incision in the mother’s uterus and abdomen rather than by achieving the delivery through the vagina. The number of serious medical conditions such as abnormal fetus position, abnormal fetal heart rate, placental complications, and failure in the progression of labor may make Cesarean delivery a necessary procedure to be conducted.


Pregnancy is the happiest moment in the life of everyone, therefore, try staying healthy and cautious as much as possible during the stage. Schedule timely check-ups, eat healthily, and above all consult an expert health care professional to ensure your as well as your child’s safety.

Ectopic Pregnancy – An Overview

The condition of an ectopic pregnancy occurs when an embryo gets attached to other places rather than inside the uterus. The embryo (fertilized egg) may be found attached to one of the fallopian tubes.  Majorly all of the ectopic pregnancies happen in the fallopian tube therefore are also referred to as tubal pregnancies. Ectopic pregnancy is an emergency medical condition because the fallopian tubes are not capable of holding a growing embryo and require to be treated immediately.

Signs of Ectopic pregnancy

An ectopic pregnancy may not always show symptoms and can only be identified during the routine check-ups scheduled with doctors. Most commonly the symptoms for ectopic pregnancy tend to become visible during the 4th and 12 weeks of pregnancy. The symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy may comprise:

  • Severe pain in the lower belly, especially on one side
  • Sharp pain in the shoulder, neck, or rectum
  • Vaginal bleeding or spotting
  • Missed period
  • Feeling of weakness, dizziness, or fainting

Contact your doctor immediately if you come across any of these symptoms and encounter bleeding or sharp pain lasting more than a few minutes.

Diagnosis and Treatment for Ectopic Pregnancy

An ectopic pregnancy may be treated using any of the following methods. If the normal medication is not able to dissolve the fertilized egg by itself then any of the below-mentioned methods can be used:

  • Laparoscopic surgery using general anesthesia may be performed to remove the fertilized egg along with the affected fallopian tube. The procedure may either involve repairing or removing the fallopian tube. If the condition of ectopic pregnancy cannot be treated using Laparoscopic surgery another surgical method known as laparotomy may be used for the diagnosis.
  • Another treatment involves providing doses of medicines This medicine allows the body to absorb pregnancy tissue thus further inhibiting the growth of fertilized egg cells.

Recovery after Ectopic Pregnancy

Ectopic pregnancy is a kind of early pregnancy loss and may make the person undergo grief and disappointment. During these stages, the person may experience a mix of emotions. And these feelings may tend to last for several months. The condition of ectopic pregnancy may also affect your partner and relationship. It may lead to the shattering of hopes and plans of the family. Thus, the occurrence of these uncommon feelings requires the person to seek professional support or guidance. To overcome the grief and disappointment of pregnancy one can approach the following support groups:

  • The Ectopic Pregnancy Foundation
  • Cruse Bereavement Care
  • The Ectopic Pregnancy Trust
  • The Miscarriage Association

Thinking about conceiving again

Once you become stable physically and emotionally after the period of ectopic pregnancy you can certainly try for another baby. However, it is advisable to wait for at least two periods before trying to conceive again. Moreover, try investing enough time to achieve the best possible recovery.  If you have been treated using methotrexate it is ideally recommended to wait for at least three months. This is because becoming pregnant during this period the medicines may pose a risk to your baby’s health. Even after getting the fallopian tube removed a woman can easily become pregnant again. About 65 percent of women are believed to achieve successful pregnancy within 18 months of ectopic pregnancy.

Reasons for Ectopic Pregnancy?

There are a number of factors that may elevate the risk of ectopic pregnancy. The main causes associated with ectopic pregnancy include:

  • Inflammation or infection in the fallopian tube leads to blocking it entirely or partially.
  • Previous surgery or infection in the tube may also inhibit the movement of the egg.
  • Defects from birth or abnormal growth of the tube can result in abnormality in the shape of the tube as well.
  • Becoming pregnant after using an intrauterine device (IUD) or intrauterine system (IUS).
  • Increasing maternal age, most likely between 35-44 years.
  • Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) – inflammation of the female reproductive system.
  • Ongoing fertility treatments and fertility-inducing medications.


Recurrent miscarriage refers to the loss of two or more consecutive pregnancies. More than two consecutive miscarriages are considered to be a serious medical condition and require thorough physical examinations and tests.

Possible Causes

  • chromosomal or genetic abnormalities
  • imbalance in pregnancy hormones
  • Cervical weakness
  • blood clotting disorders

Risk Factors

  • Antiphospholipid syndrome (APS)
  • Polycystic ovary syndrome
  • Diabetes mellitus

Care after recurrent miscarriages

Following the recurrent miscarriages, your health professional will conduct certain blood tests and uterine examinations. These medical examinations would be conducted to verify the associated cause. Additionally, you might also be referred to a specialist for handling the situation. However, good antenatal care during such circumstances can be of great help. Sometimes, early pregnancy care can also help in mitigating the risk of miscarriages. And for this, you need not wander around Dr. Archana Dubey will aptly help you get out of the situation.

What is an Ultrasound Scan?

An ultrasound scan or sonography is a type of imaging technique that uses high-frequency sound waves to look inside the structures and organs of the body. During pregnancy, doctors use these scans to monitor the development of a fetus.

Different types of ultrasounds are offered during pregnancy

During pregnancy mainly following three types of ultrasound scans are conducted:

Dating scan

A dating scan is conducted to ascertain the expected due date of pregnancy.

Morphology scans

A morphology scan is conducted to perform a detailed scan of the fetus. It is used for examining the position of the placenta, umbilical cord, amniotic fluid around the baby, and the mother’s uterus and cervix

Nuchal translucency scan

A nuchal scan also referred to as a nuchal translucency scan is a sonographic procedure used for detecting cardiovascular abnormalities in a fetus. This scan can either be conducted separately or as part of the dating scan itself.

Benefits of ultrasound scan

Ultrasound scans are safe for the mother as well as the baby. These scans help in detecting development and abnormalities (if any) in the fetus. They also help in fostering a healthy pregnancy by detecting the discrepancies earlier.

Cardiotocography (CTG) is a technical procedure of monitoring fetal heart and uterus contractions during pregnancy. It is usually conducted in the third trimester of pregnancy. The machine that is used in the process is referred to as a cardiotocograph or an electronic fetal monitor (EFM).


Breastfeeding is the only source of nutrition for your baby. It plays an important role in the development and well-being of your newborn. For the first six months, your breast milk serves as nutrition for your baby.

Usually, you can start breastfeeding your baby within an hour of birth. The initial breast milk is referred to as colostrum. This milk is thick and yellowish in color. Moreover, it is full of proteins and antibodies which are very useful for your baby to get a good start.

The most appropriate way to breastfeed the baby

The most effective way to breastfeed your child is to sit in a comfortable position and create a good attachment. Immediately after delivery, you should try to create skin-to-skin contact with your child. If you hold your baby near to your breasts she/he is likely to start breastfeeding without any help. However, at points, you might encounter problems. Don’t hesitate to visit Dr. Archana Dubey’s clinic for help. She will guide you at every stage of your breastfeeding journey.

Post Delivery Care

The postpartum period basically begins after the birth of the baby and ends with the returning of the mother’s body to the pre-pregnant state. This period ideally lasts up to six to eight weeks after the delivery. Taking care during postpartum weeks is necessary to ensure a quick recovery. During this period the mother may encounter a number of emotional and physical changes while managing to take care of the newborn. This healing period for mothers basically involves eating healthy meals, taking plenty of rest, and most importantly taking care of the vagina.

Take Rest

  • Sleep while your newborn sleeps.
  • To make night feedings easier keep the baby close to your bed.
  • Allow the baby to be fed by someone else while you are asleep.

Healthy Diets

  • Increase consumption of whole grains, vegetables, fruits, and protein-rich food.
  • Increase the intake of fluids.
  • Avoid consumption of fat-rich snacks.


Ending pregnancy is indeed a tough decision. But if you think it is the best way forward, then at Dr. Archana Dubey’s clinic you can get the required help and care. We offer a comprehensive range of abortion services which are strictly abided by the legal obligations of the Indian Government. Abortion can be performed until 20 weeks of pregnancy. However, after 20 weeks it can be only be performed in case of serious medical conditions.


Contraception is an effective and safe procedure for birth control. The process of contraception makes use of various drugs, devices, agents, and surgical techniques to prevent pregnancy. A wide range of contraception options are available for men as well the women.

The two prominent methods of permanent contraception are:

  • Male Sterilisation (vasectomy)
  • Female Sterilisation