The postpartum period, an essential phase in a new mother’s life, starts right after the delivery and ends when the mother is close to returning to the pre-pregnancy stage. Typically lasting about six to eight weeks, this is a period when you need to take extreme care of your body and supplement it with adequate rest, nutrition, and sleep. The body goes through several changes during this phase. During this period, the mother undergoes emotional and physical changes while learning to balance the responsibilities that come with motherhood.
Proper Food:
It is common for mothers to skip meals or forget to eat, but breastfeeding mothers must eat well and ensure that they eat when they are hungry. Eat foods rich in nutrients for optimum post-pregnancy care and benefits the feeding baby. A healthy diet is a key to a good breastfeeding pattern for nursing your newborn. Supplement your diet with grains, vegetables, dairy, fruits, protein legumes, and cereals. Your food palate must be rich in protein, iron, and calcium. Healthy nutrition is one of the essential precautions after the baby’s delivery.
I Prefer Pads Over Tampons:
Lochia is a process where the uterine lining is shed after delivery, and you bleed as you would during menstruation. This lasts for about six weeks, making you prone to infection. It is better to use pads in this period, as they reduce the chance of any conditions.
Rest Well:
Ample rest and good sleep are primary needs for a mother. A newborn needs to be fed every three hours, cleaned, and comforted. It is practically impossible for you to sleep for 7-8 hours. Change your sleep pattern. The thumb rule is, “When the baby is asleep, you sleep too.” Ensure that your baby’s bed is close to yours. It saves energy and time.
Get in touch with the gynecologist in Indore.
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