Regular health checkups:
Women should get regular prenatal care from a health care provider. Moms who don’t get regular prenatal care are far more likely to possess a baby with low birth weight or other complications. If available, consider group prenatal care.
Vitamins and prescription of your OBGYN:
Taking a daily prenatal multivitamin can help make sure you get the proper amount of the key nutrients you and your baby need during pregnancy. These include vitamin Bc, iron, and calcium.
Vaccination & Flu Shots:
The flu can make a pregnant woman very sick and increase the risks of complications for your baby. The flu shot can protect you from serious illness and help protect your baby after birth, too. Ask your high risk pregnancy doctor in Indore about getting a flu shot.
Ban Alcohol in your body:
Don’t drink alcohol before and through pregnancy and while breastfeeding. Drinking alcohol increases the danger of getting a baby with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD). FASD can cause abnormal countenance, severe learning disabilities, and behavioral issues. Alcohol can impact a baby’s health within the earliest stages of pregnancy, before a lady may know she is pregnant. Therefore, women who may become pregnant also shouldn’t drink alcohol.
Healthy Food First:
Eating healthy foods is particularly important for pregnant women. Your baby needs nutrients to grow healthy and powerful within the womb. Eat many colorful fruits and vegetables, whole grains, calcium-rich foods, and foods low in saturated fat. Contact us for painless normal delivery in Indore.
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