Every woman is different and so are their periods. Some get it clockwise while some may miss or have an unpredictable cycle.
The normal length of a menstruation cycle is 24- 28 days. However, this varies between individuals. If this duration of cycle exceeds 35 days it is attributed to be irregular.
As per the gynecologists in Indore, several factors lead to irregularity in periods. However, most dynamics relate to hormonal production. The hormones estrogen and progesterone are responsible for inducing randomness in your menstruation cycle.
Apart from this other lifestyle changes that influence hormonal imbalance include:
- Puberty
- Menopause
- Pregnancy
- Breastfeeding
During a woman reaches her adolescence several major body changes take place. This takes several years to balance the levels of estrogen and progesterone, therefore having irregular periods at this stage is a common health issue.
Furthermore, conditions such as
- emotional stress
- extreme weight loss
- extreme weight gain
- eating disorders, like bulimia or anorexia
- High endurance exercise such as marathon running.
can also lead to irregularity in periods.
Thus, it is a common women’s health issue and needs to be addressed by medical guidance. Several factors are also linked to missed or irregular menstruation, thereby finding the exact cause is essential for diagnosis.
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